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Chinese Cantonese

20:00 22:00

Upcoming show

Current show

Chinese Cantonese

20:00 22:00

Upcoming show



Quite simply, Ben Lee is a national treasure and we are beyond elated to present his hotly anticipated 20th (!!!) album – I’M FUN! – as our next Waxx Lyrical Feature Record. The outspoken, cheeky, occasionally controversial, always entertaining and ultimately lovable Ben has undertaken many roles over his illustrious 30 year career – musician, […]

MEDIA RELEASE FROM WET TROPICS MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY A new infestation of yellow crazy ants has been detected by the Wet Tropics Management Authority near Gordonvale. Officers from the Authority detected the infestation in rugged country within the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area while they were carrying out routine surveillance last month as part of the […]